What we do

A smart investment

Västerås Industri are experts on Döner Robots, a restaurant equipment perfectly designed for customers who craves efficiency and speed without jeopardizing quality. It is a long – term cost efficient investment which benefits the working environment, reduces waste and delivers perfect results on every served plate. Every millimeter counts!

There have been a lot of improvement within this field. The first robots made were noisy and took up a lot of space. We are constantly refining our product and revising its technical solutions. Nowadays the engine in our robots run silent without annoying noise levels. We also offer the smallest Döner Robot on the market.

So, what is the outcome? The perfectly weighted pressure and slicing means great results on every plate no matter who is controlling the robot. Because of the rapid knife engine, the meat melts in the mouth differently from manually cut meat. Some customers have even increased their sales thanks to better flavour after investing in our robots.

Perfectly suited for: beef, chicken and gyros – in your preferred cuts!




Want more information about our products? Please get in touch!

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